9:32, 18/4/2023
The data shows that young professionals aged between 25-34 feel the most overworked, closely followed by those aged 55 and older.
Overall, 40% of the workers who were surveyed claimed that they would look for a new job if they ever felt overworked. These are quite startling figures with both the cost-of-living crisis, and the looming threat of recession expected to further exacerbate these numbers.
Here are 5 indicators which may signal that you are being overworked:
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder, and some research shows that up to 66% of people suffer from bouts of sleeplessness at some point in their lives. Elevated stress levels have proven to negatively impact sleeping patterns, which means that someone suffering from stress is significantly more likely to spend less time in deep sleep.
This results in fatigue which can then make some people feel like every menial task is as though they are walking through treacle. Add slower reactions, memory lapses, decreased awareness and a lack of attention into the mix and you are presented with the antithesis of productivity.
It is never wise to work through your breaks at work, as taking them has been shown to be essential in recovering from stress and will decrease the development of fatigue. And besides, it is a legal requirement that workers have the right to one uninterrupted 20-minute break during their working day (if they work more than 6 hours).
If you are suffering from depression or a low-mood, it could be that you have worked in a physically and/or emotionally draining role for a significant period. If this is the case, then it is imperative that you find out your company’s mental health policy as many mindful employers will provide access to an employee assistance programme (EAP).
An EAP is an employer funded service giving their staff 24-hour access to free and confidential counselling. It should be noted though, that recent research conducted by Mental Health UK ascertained that only 23% of workers knew what plans their employers had in place to help identify signs of chronic stress.
Unfortunately many people suffering from stress will turn to alcohol and drugs as a coping mechanism. Where some may find temporary relief by self-medicating, in the long term it is inevitable that any mental health symptoms will be made worse.
People who are caught in this trap will often feel low self-esteem and some will even feel like they are a bad person which will aggravate their condition even more. Smokers suffering from stress will smoke more which will then impact upon their physical health also.
Stress will nearly always negatively impact relationships, whether that be with friends, family or partners. Not dealing with stress can create a negative cycle which is contagious to those around you.
Work-life conflict can cause people to become more withdrawn, and less affectionate to their loved-ones which in-turn can put a strain on their relationship. This can then lead to a vicious cycle as their levels of stress are increased if help is not pursued.
If you feel as though you identify with any of the above signs, then it is important that you seek help. You could start by talking with family and friends which then might make it easier to seek professional advice from your GP. They will take a record of your symptoms which would then make it easier to make a successful Stress Work claim against your employer.
There are also many support groups up and down the country which help people suffering from stress, such as Mind, No Panic, CALM and Changes Bristol. If you feel as though you may have a valid stress at work claim against your employer, then please contact us on 0113 200 9720.
Get in touch today for a no-obligation consultation. Choose one of the methods on the right-hand side of this page, or call us on 0113 200 9720 to find out how we can help you with your enquiry.
Meet the author
Jason Spence joined Oakwood Solicitors in 2022 as a Business Development Executive. He attended Nene University and has worked almost exclusively in customer service and sales throughout is career. Ja…
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