14:32, 13/12/2021
Luckily, there are certain things that an Applicant can do which will ensure the claims process is as smooth as possible for both themselves as well as their Legal Representative.
As this is the main method most representatives use to contact their clients, it goes without saying that it is vital that a client is up to date with their emails. This ensures that no important information regarding the claim is missed and allows easier communication between a client and their representative.
The most crucial part to a CICA claim is the involvement of the client which is why the CICA may reject a claim for non-cooperation under paragraph 24 of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme if they do not receive the information that they are requesting.
By regularly checking emails, a client will be aware of the current position of the claim at all times and know when it is required for them to obtain the necessary information as per their representative’s advice.
Moving house, getting a new phone or changing email addresses are all things that a client is likely to do throughout the claims process. However, if these details are not updated, issues within the claim will no doubt arise.
For example, a representative will provide important documents from the CICA via post (e.g. medical records/report requests, offer/rejection letters) meaning that, if the address given is not up to date, a client will not receive these documents, significantly delaying a claim. The same can also be said for email addresses and contact numbers.
Most representatives will provide updates on an ongoing claim once every month. The reason for this is because the CICA can place the blame on the Applicant for slowing the claim down if updates are requested too often.
This may cause some clients to feel that not much is being done to progress the claim forward. It is in everyone’s interests that the claim be concluded as soon as possible, so believe your representative when they tell you they are doing all they can as the CICA can be just as frustrating for them as for the clients.
To learn more about the Criminal Injury Compensation Authority, read our guide to the CICA here.
For any information about bringing a CICA claim, get in touch today for a free consultation. Choose one of the methods on the right-hand side of this page, or call us on 0113 200 9720 to find out how we can help you.
Meet the author
Gabrielle Henry joined Oakwood Solicitors Ltd in September 2021 and is a Paralegal in the Criminal Injury Department. Initially, Gabrielle completed work experience with Oakwood Solicitors within the …
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