11:34, 23/5/2019
Whilst there are lengthy debates surrounding the effects of an individual’s nature as opposed to their nurture amongst psychologists, it is generally agreed that experiences created by the environment are significant in altering an individual’s psychological state and can subsequently have an impact that person’s mental wellbeing.
Mental and emotional pressures can be found throughout everyday life, from applying for a new job to an awkward social encounter. It is thought that these stresses, whilst often annoying, are ‘normal’ in the sense that everyone experiences them now and then.
Moreover, there have been studies that have shown that heightening an individual’s psychological state, through a little stress can, in fact, improve an individual’s performance in certain tasks and thus ultimately have a positive effect on their overall wellbeing.
As the old saying goes, even too much of a good thing is bad for you. Stress is no exception to this rule and can have severe effects on the wellbeing and mental health of individuals who are unfortunate enough to experience it, especially when the stress is caused by a situation over which they had no control.
Environmental stress itself can come in several forms ranging from immediate stressors to those which build over longer periods of time, yet both can constitute a psychological injury of sorts.
For instance, an immediate traumatic experience such as a car accident can cause a generalised fear of travel and in more severe cases, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Conversely, long term stresses such as to a stressful working atmosphere can cause cumulative mental and emotional pressures that can, in some cases, develop into associated anxiety disorders.
Nevertheless, there is now an increasing focus on the validity of mental health in both everyday life and in the world of personal injury claims. For many years psychological injuries have been overshadowed by physical injuries yet campaigns like Mental Health Awareness Week and the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) have helped to support the continuing decrease in the stigma surrounding mental and emotional wellbeing.
This shift is vital in helping to ensure not only a quality of life for those suffering presently but will help to create a kinder society in which future generations can thrive.
More detailed information about stress specifically in the workplace can be found in our comprehensive guide, here.
Get in touch today for a free initial consultation. Choose one of the methods on the right-hand side of this page, or call us on 0113 200 9720 to find out how we can help you.
Article by Lucy Peaty
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