11:11, 23/5/2023
The concentration levels are up to 16,000ppm and this is above the measuring limits of the standard portable gas monitoring equipment generally used onboard tankers and FPSOs, and may be undetected.
Sulphate that reduces bacteria present in cargo and slop tanks can generate hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide concentrations over 1,000ppm are severely dangerous. as it can cause immediate collapse with loss of breathing, even after inhalation of a single breath. This gas sits still and corrodes, which can damage the hull structure and the cargo containment system.
It has been found that standard equipment may not be able to detect the high concentrations of H2S, which leaves a high number of workers at risk of exposure to the hazardous gas.
Workers are at risk of being exposed to H2S during operational activities involving breaking of containment, unintentional releases due to poor integrity of pipework attached to cargo tanks, or during regular venting operations to maintain cargo tank pressure within operational limits.
Duty holders must ensure that the installation has implemented a suitable hydrogen management process that complies with HSE offshore information sheet no. 6/2009, ‘managing hydrogen sulfide detection offshore’, if hydrogen sulfide is detected.
It has been urged that training should be provided to anybody onboard about the risks and any additional control measures that have been implemented. Also, all the gas monitoring arrangements for cargo and slop tanks should be fixed. This would help prevent exposure to toxic gas while monitoring portable gas monitoring equipment.
Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, highly toxic gas. This gas is also known as ‘dihydrogen sulfide’, ‘sewer gas’ and sulphurated hydrogen. High levels of exposure to the gas could be very dangerous and even lethal. This is dangerous for the body, as it inhibits the respiration of cellular respiration which damages the central nervous system.
Hydrogen sulfide is formed during the rotting of many organic materials. This is because H2S is heavier than air and it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces such as sewers, ship’s cargo holds, overflow wells and storage tanks etc.
Mainly, H2S enters the body through the respiratory tract, but it can also be absorbed through intact skin.
H2S poisoning is possible when you are in an area where the maximum permissible gas concentration is exceeded (in the air of the working area – 10 mg / m 3).
Hydrogen sulfide poisoning is usually acute and occurs when:
Often, workers in industries where hydrogen sulfide is used or released are exposed to regular exposure to small doses of gas, which can lead to chronic occupational hydrogen sulfide intoxication.
The symptoms of H2S intoxication vary depending on how severe the poisoning is. With mild intoxication, the symptoms are:
With moderate poisoning, the symptoms are:
With severe poisoning, the symptoms are:
If there is any suspicion that intoxication is caused by hydrogen sulfide, it is necessary to seek medical help. Treatment is symptomatic: in case of a collaptoid state, anti-shock therapy is performed, in case of convulsive syndrome, sedatives are administered, etc.
The antidote to hydrogen sulfide is methemoglobin, therefore, in case of severe poisoning, the introduction of chromosmon or 1% solution of methylene blue in glucose (10 ml of blue per 20 ml of glucose) is indicated – as a result, methemoglobin is formed, which binds H2S.
There is no proven antidote for H2S poisoning, but the effects of H2S can be treated, and some exposed persons get well. Persons who have had serious exposures may need to be hospitalized.
If you or anyone you know has been suffering from H2S poisoning and is experiencing the symptoms listed above, then you might be able to claim compensation. We urge you to discuss your complaints and symptoms with a medical professional and subsequently seek legal advice.
If you feel your injuries have been caused as a result of your work and wish to enquire about a potential claim for compensation, please contact us.
High concentration of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in cargo and slop tanks – Safety bulletin – HSE
Managing hydrogen sulfide detection offshore –
What are the dangers of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)? – SEMA Gases
Respiratory disease claims – Oakwood Solicitors
Get in touch today for a no-obligation consultation. Choose one of the methods on the right-hand side of this page, or call us on 0113 200 9720 to find out how we can help you with your enquiry.
Meet the author
Liam Hill is a Solicitor and Deputy Head of the Industrial Disease Team, having trained and qualified at Oakwood Solicitors. Liam joined us in 2013 after successfully completing the Legal Practice C…
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