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COVID-19: Risk Assessment

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Working Safely during Covid 19 in Offices and Contact Centres: Risk Assessment



Thinking about risk


As an employer we have a legal responsibility to protect workers and others from risk to their health and safety.

We therefore must think about the risks staff may face and do everything reasonably practicable to minimise them, recognising that we cannot eliminate the risk of COVID-19.

We have a duty to consult all staff on their health and safety. We are keen to ensure that all staff are free to discuss their work and how the company can manage risks from COVID-19. If employees do not feel that their issues have been resolved, then employees and Oakwood Solicitors should contact the HSE to see if they can assist.

Managing the Risk


Oakwood Solicitors has a duty to reduce workplace risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level by taking preventative measures.

We must work with any other employers or contractors sharing the workplace so that everybody’s health and safety is protected. In the context of COVID-19 this means working through these steps in order:

  • Any worker or visitors who feel unwell must stay at home and do not attend the premises. Staff must contact Abbie Keech to advise of any Covid-19 symptoms or if anyone in your household has tested positive.
    • If they have symptoms of coronavirus (a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste) you must remain off work and get book in for a test immediately. Anyone you live with must self-isolate until you have been tested and received your result.
    • If the test is positive, then staff will be asked to self-isolate for 7 days even if it means you are self-isolating for longer than 14 days. Anyone you live with must self-isolate for 14 days from when your symptoms started.
    • If the test is negative, then you must self-isolate for 14 days from when you were in last contact with the person who had coronavirus as you could get symptoms after being tested. Anyone you live with can stop self-isolating if they do not have symptoms.
    • If anyone in your household has tested positive, then you must self-isolate for 14 days from the date of that test.
    • If staff are well enough (maybe because they have not actually got any symptoms at that stage) then they will be encouraged to continue to work from home and be paid in full. If they are unwell then they have the option to take SSP or unpaid.
  • We will encourage everybody in the workplace to increase the frequency of handwashing and surface cleaning. Hand sanitisers are available in all toilets and will be given to all staff, so they have their own in the office. There is also hand sanitiser at all touch points such as main doors, lifts etc. Hand wipes are available at all photocopiers and each department. Posters have been put up to highlight this.
  • Staff will be encouraged to return to the office and work within their allocated office space. We have made every reasonable effort to comply with social distancing guidelines as set out by the government (2m or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable, is acceptable). Each working space has been checked that it complies with the spacing guidelines and if this is not possible then boards have been used to limit contact with each other.
  • Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full, in relation to a particular activity, Oakwood Solicitors will consider whether that activity can be redesigned to maintain a 2m distance or 1m risk mitigation where 2m is not viable.


Further mitigating actions include:

  • Increasing the frequency of hand washing and surface cleaning.
  • Keeping the activity time involved as short as possible.
  • Using screens or barriers to separate people from each other.
  • Using back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face-to-face) whenever possible.
  • Reducing the number of people each person has contact with by using ‘fixed teams or partnering’ (so each person works with only a few others).
  • Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full, even through redesigning a particular activity, Oakwood Solicitors will consider whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and if so, take all the mitigations actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission between their staff
  • Staff will be asked not to unduly raise their voices to each other. This includes refraining from playing music or broadcasts that may encourage shouting or make normal conversation difficult.
  • If people work face to face for a sustained period with more than a small group of fixed partners, then Oakwood solicitors will assess whether the activity can safely go ahead.


Sharing the Risk

The risk assessment will be shared with all employees and can be found by the following methods:

  • A copy on the L drive
  • A copy can be sent at the request of the employee

The results will also be available on the Oakwood site but will take into account Oakwood Solicitors Ltd, Oakwood Property and Oakwood Scotland Solicitors Ltd.

A notice will also be displayed on all floors to show Oakwood Solicitors have followed the Governments guidance.


Who should go back to work?


Objective: In order to keep the virus under control, it is important that people work safely. Working from home remains one way to do this. However, the risk of transmission can be substantially reduced if COVID-19 Secure guidelines are followed closely.


  • We have considered the location and placement of all people on site
  • We have planned for a phased return to work by encouraging rotas, people coming in one day a week to then increase to full return
  • We have monitored the well being of people who are working from home and helping them stay connected to the rest of the workforce, especially if the majority of their colleagues are on site by emails and by heads of departments keeping in touch by email, texts and phone
  • We have ensured that all off site workers have been updated about their working arrangements including their welfare, mental and physical health and personal security


2.1 Protecting people who are at higher risk

Objective: To protect clinically vulnerable and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals.

  • Clinically extremely vulnerable individuals have been advised not to work outside the home during the pandemic peak and only return to work when community infection rates are low. From 1 August most vulnerable people will be advised that they do not need to shield any longer. However, if there are any issues then staff must raise this with management immediately and discuss their individual issues.
  • Clinically vulnerable individuals, who are at higher risk of severe illness (for example, people with some pre-existing conditions have been asked to take extra care in observing social distancing and should be helped to work from home, either in their current role or in an alternative role.
  • If clinically vulnerable individuals cannot work from home, Oakwood Solicitors will offer the option of the safest available on-site roles or locations, enabling them to maintain social distancing guidelines (2m or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable, is acceptable). If they cannot maintain social distancing, we will carefully assess whether this involves an acceptable level of risk. Anyone who fits into this category will be given the option of a separate office to themselves to ensure they are fully protected. The office will be near to an entrance way to prevent movement around the offices.


  • Providing support for workers around mental health and wellbeing. Oakwood Solicitors have in place a stress at work policy. Heads of Departments who are trained to identify and support staff with mental health issues and a free confidential Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) service. We also have 2 qualified mental health first aiders that can advise, assist and help anyone who may need assistance on a confidential basis. Staff are regularly encouraged to voice any concerns that they may have so that support can be provided where reasonably possible.


2.2 People who need to self-isolate

Objective: To make sure individuals who are advised to stay at home under existing government guidance do not physically come to work.

This includes individuals who have symptoms of COVID-19 as well as those who live in a household or are in a support bubble with someone who has symptoms and those who are advised to self-isolate as part of the government’s test and trace service.


  • Enabling workers to work from home while self-isolating if appropriate. If an employee advises that they are well enough to work and can work from home, then they will be given the option to do so whilst self-isolating. If they are very unwell then SSP may be more appropriate.
  • If staff think that they may have contracted Covid-19 then they must remain at home, speak to their GP if appropriate, book themselves in for an immediate test and advise the NHS Track and Trace service.


2.3 Ventilation

Objective: To use ventilation to mitigate the transmission risk of COVID-19. Ventilation into the building should be optimised to ensure a fresh air supply is provided to all areas of the facility and increased wherever possible. Ventilation systems should provide an adequate supply of fresh air.


  • Increasing the existing ventilation rate by adjusting the fan speed. This only applies to the lower floor who have air conditioning. This is checked by an external firm regularly to ensure it is working.
  • Keeping doors and windows open if possible. All main fire doors on all floors are now opened from the start to the end of the day to ensure free flowing air. Staff are encouraged to open windows where they can and depending on the weather.
  • Using desk fans to improve air circulation, provided there is good ventilation. Most staff have access to a floor or desk fan and can this to assist in ventilation. If they do require one, then they need to order via the stationery team.


2.4 Equality in the Workplace

Objective: To treat everyone in your workplace equally.

  • Oakwood Solicitors is mindful of the needs of different groups of workers or individuals.
  • We actively seek to not discriminate directly or indirectly, against anyone because of a protected characteristic such as age, sex or disability.
  • We have a responsibility towards disabled workers and those who are new or expectant mothers.


  • Understanding and taking into account the particular circumstances of those with different protected characteristics.
  • Involving and communicating appropriately with workers whose protected characteristics might either expose them to a different degree of risk or might make any steps you are thinking about inappropriate or challenging for them.
  • Considering whether you need to put in place any particular measures or adjustments to take account of your duties under the equality’s legislation.
  • Making reasonable adjustments to avoid disabled workers being put at a disadvantage and assessing the health and safety risks for new or expectant mothers.
  • Making sure that the steps you take do not have an unjustifiable negative impact on some groups compared to others, for example, those with caring responsibilities or those with religious commitments.


Social distancing at work


Objective: To maintain social distancing guidelines (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable is acceptable) wherever possible, including while arriving at and departing from work, while in work and when travelling between sites.

  • You must maintain social distancing in the workplace wherever possible.
  • Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full in relation to a particular activity, Oakwood Solicitors will consider whether that activity can be redesigned to maintain a 2m distance or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable

Mitigating actions include:

  • Further increasing the frequency of hand washing and surface cleaning.
  • Keeping the activity time involved as short as possible.
  • Using screens or barriers to separate people from each other.
  • Using back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face-to-face) whenever possible.
  • Reducing the number of people each person has contact with by using ‘fixed teams or partnering’ (so each person works with only a few others).
  • Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full, even though redesigning a particular activity Oakwood Solicitors should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission between staff.
  • Social distancing applies to all parts of a business, not just the place where people spend most of their time, but also entrances and exits, kitchens, admin area, boardrooms and bathrooms. These are often the most challenging areas to maintain social distancing and workers should be specifically reminded.


3.1 Coming to work and leaving work

Objective: To maintain social distancing wherever possible, on arrival and departure and to ensure handwashing upon arrival.


  • Staggering arrival and departure times at work to reduce crowding into and out of the workplace, taking account of the impact on those with protected characteristics.
  • Providing additional parking or facilities such as bike racks to help people walk, run, or cycle to work where possible. All visitors’ spots will be available unless requested by a staff member the day before to allow for more people to come to work in a car.
  • Using markings and introducing one-way flow at entry and exit points.
  • Doors will be propped open on all floors to prevent staff having to use door handles. This will not be possible with all doors and therefore wipes and hand sanitisers will be necessary after use.
  • The rear door to Oakwood House will be used by the industrial disease and clinical negligence department to limit overflow at the front door. They will be asked to leave at lunchtimes, start times and home times via this method. Whoever leaves at the end of the night must lock the back door and then exit through the front door.
  • Providing handwashing facilities, or hand sanitiser where not possible, at entry/exit points. Hand sanitisers are located at all points to allow staff to use them after entering through the doors.


3.2 Moving around buildings and worksites

Objective: To maintain social distancing wherever possible while people travel through the workplace.


  • Reducing movement by discouraging non-essential trips within buildings and sites, for example, restricting access to some areas, encouraging use of telephones, where permitted, and cleaning them between use.
    • Microsoft Teams has been set up for all staff and this should be encouraged for use
    • Admin will be still collecting post however staff will be told to put their post trays outside of their rooms so that admin do not need to enter.
    • Incoming post will be put in these trays as well
    • The lift can be used like a dumb waiter to move items from one floor to another
    • Staff will be encouraged to stay in their offices unless leaving for vital things such as the toilet, lunch or urgent matters
    • Staff will be advised to limit cigarette and vaping outside of the office and to smoke away from the entrance way to limit smoke going up to the open windows above
  • Restricting access between different areas of the three different buildings
  • Reducing job and location rotation. Introducing more one-way flow through buildings.
    • If people meet on the stairs they may be asked to return from where they came to allow the other person to pass
    • If people meet in corridors, they will be asked to step aside to 2 meters and allow the other person to pass
  • Reducing maximum occupancy for lifts, providing hand sanitiser for the operation of lifts and encouraging use of stairs wherever possible. Making sure that people with disabilities can access lifts.
    • The lift will be only allowed to take one person at a time
    • Staff will be encouraged to use the stairs
  • Regulating use of high traffic areas including corridors and walkways to maintain social distancing.


3.3 Workplace and Workstations

Objective: To maintain social distancing between individuals when they are at their workstations.

  • For people who work in one place, workstations should allow them to maintain social distancing wherever possible. Oakwood Solicitors does not usually allow hot desking in any area and this will be maintained. All staff have their own desks and computer stations
  • Workstations should be assigned to an individual and not shared. If they need to be shared, they should be shared by the smallest possible number of people.
  • If it is not possible to ensure workstations comply with social distancing guidelines (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable, is acceptable), the businesses should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and if so take all mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission. Time has been spent to ensure that each staff members have a safe zone to work in that allows social distancing to be maintained.



  • Review layouts and processes to allow people to work further apart from each other.
  • Using floor tape or paint to mark areas to help people comply with social distancing guidelines (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable, is acceptable)
  • Only where it is not possible to move workstations further apart, arranging people to work side by side or facing away from each other rather than face-to face.
  • Only where it is not possible to move workstations further apart, using screens to separate people from each other.
  • Managing occupancy levels to enable social distancing.


3.4 Meetings

Objective: To reduce transmission due to face-to-face meetings and maintain social distancing in meetings.


  • Using remote working tools to avoid in-person meetings. Microsoft Office Teams is available to all staff members and this should be used. The meeting could also be taken by telephone
  • Only absolutely necessary participants should physically attend meeting and should maintain social distancing guidelines (2m, or 1, with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable, is acceptable). The Clock suite will be the only room that will be allowed to be used for external and internal meetings. Occupancy will be only allowed at a maximum of four people at any one time for a limited period. People will be asked to use hand sanitiser before and after entry to the room. The room will be sanitised after the room has been exited by cleaning all surfaces including the table, chairs and chair arms.
  • Avoiding transmission during meetings, for example, avoiding sharing pens and other objects. Pens will be available but if they are used then the user will be asked to remove from the room. Alternatively, they should bring their own pen to the meeting.
  • Providing hand sanitiser in meeting rooms.
  • Holding meetings outdoors or in well-ventilated rooms whenever possible.
  • For areas where regular meetings take place, using floor signage to help people maintain social distancing.


3.5 Common Areas

Objective: To maintain social distancing while using common areas.


  • Using safe outside areas for breaks. We ask that staff stay in the car park and do not smoke anywhere else currently. They need to move away from the entrance way to prevent smoke going up to the windows above
  • Installing screens to protect staff in receptions or similar areas.
  • Encouraging workers to bring their own food, and potentially food that does not need refrigeration
  • Encouraging staff to remain on-site and, when not possible, maintaining social distancing while off-site such as Home Bargains, Tesco’s and other local shops
  • Encourage staff to do their own washing up
  • Encourage staff to make only their own cup of tea rather than do multiple cups
  • Kitchen areas should only have one person in at a time


3.6 Accidents, security and other incidents

Objective: To prioritise safety during incidents.

  • In an emergency, for example, an accident or fire, people do not have to comply with social distancing guidelines if it would be unsafe.
  • People involved in the provision of assistance to others should pay particular attention to sanitation measures immediately afterwards including washing hands.


Managing your visitors, contractors and customers


4.1 Manage Contacts

Objective: To minimise the number of unnecessary visits to offices.


  • Encouraging visits via remote connection/working where this is an option.
  • Where site visits are required, site guidance on social distancing and hygiene should be explained to visitors on or before arrival.
  • Limiting the number of visitors at any one time. We can ask more than one visitor to remain outside rather than in Reception.
  • Limiting visitor times to a specific time window and restricting access to required visitors only.
  • Determining if schedules for essential services and contractor visits can be revised to reduce interaction and overlap between people, for example, carrying out services at night.
  • Maintaining a record of all visitors, if this is practical. Visitors will be asked to complete and fill in a questionnaire detailing their recent whereabouts, if they have come into contact with some with Covid-19 and whether they have had any recent symptoms.
  • Encouraging visitors to use hand sanitiser or handwashing facilities as they enter the building. We will also be taking their temperatures and recording these. If they are found to be 37.8 degrees or above, they will be asked to leave the premises immediately.
  • Revising visitor arrangements to ensure social distancing and hygiene, for example, where someone physically signs in with the same pen in receptions.
  • Asking visitors to wear a face mask as they enter and throughout the duration of any meeting. This may not always be practical and therefore there are face shields that may be worn instead to allow identification and conversation between people.


4.2 Providing and explaining available guidance

Objective: To make sure people understand what they need to do to maintain safety.


  • Providing clear guidance on social distancing and hygiene to people on arrival, for example, signage or visual aids and before arrival, for example, by phone, on the website or by email. Posters will be placed in prominent locations to show visitors what steps will be expected
  • Establishing host responsibilities relating to COVID-19 and providing any necessary training for people who act as hosts for visitors.
  • Reviewing entry and exit routes for visitors and contractors to minimise contact with other people.
  • Informing visitors that they should be prepared to remove face coverings if asked to do so by police officers and staff for the purpose of identification.
  • Ensuring information provided to visitors, such as advice on the location, does not compromise their safety.


Cleaning the Workplace


5.1 Before opening

Objective: To make sure that any site or location that has been closed or partially operated is clean and ready to restart, including:

  • An assessment for all sites, or parts of sites, that have been closed, before restarting work. Cleaning has continued whilst the office has been partially closed. A full deep clean has been done before reopening and the cleaning is at a level deemed to be sufficient. More emphasis has been requested on desks. The cleaning company, Nova, has given us a full risk assessment as agreed by WHO and it is available for inspection if anyone requires it
  • Carrying out cleaning procedures and providing hand sanitiser before restarting work. A bottle of hand sanitiser is available for all staff. We ask that staff name the bottle and only use their own. Other hand sanitisers are dotted around the building for use at entrance and exit ways. These will be checked on a regular basis.


  • Checking whether you need to service or adjust ventilation systems, for example, so that they do not automatically reduce ventilation levels due to lower than normal occupancy levels. The air conditioning units are serviced regularly and checked to ensure that the systems are working and up to par.
  • Opening windows and doors frequently to encourage ventilation, where possible. We will request that everyone keeps their door to their offices propped open and windows are available in most offices to be opened as appropriate.


5.2 Keeping the workplace clean

Objective: To keep the workplace clean and prevent transmission by touching contaminated surfaces.


  • Frequent cleaning of work areas and equipment between uses, using your usual cleaning products.
  • Frequent cleaning of objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, such as door handles and keyboards, and making sure there are adequate disposal arrangements.
  • Clearing workspaces and removing waste and belongings from the work area at the end of the day.
  • Limiting or restricting use of high-touch items and equipment, for example, printers or whiteboards.
  • Providing an extra non recycling bin for workers and visitors to dispose of single use face coverings and PPE. A bin will be located in the entrance way where workers and visitors can dispose of these. We would however encourage people to use recyclable masks where they can and wash them frequently to follow recycling rules.


5.3 Hygiene – handwashing, sanitation facilities and toilets

Objective: To help everyone keep good hygiene through the working day.


  • Using signs and posters to build awareness of good handwashing technique, the need to increase handwashing frequency, avoid touching your face and to cough or sneeze into a tissue which is binned safely, or into your arm if a tissue is not available.
  • Providing regular reminders and signage to maintain personal hygiene standards.
  • Providing hand sanitiser in multiple locations in addition to washrooms.
  • Setting clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets to ensure they are kept clean and social distancing is achieved as much as possible.
  • Enhancing cleaning for busy areas.
  • Providing more waste facilities and more frequent rubbish collection.
  • Where possible, providing paper towels as an alternative to hand dryers in handwashing facilities.
  • Keeping the facilities well ventilated, by fixing doors where appropriate.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Face Coverings


PPE protects the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment, such as face masks.

Where you are already using PPE in your work activity to protect against non-COVID-19 risks, you should continue to do so.

When managing the risk of COVID-19, additional PPE beyond what you usually wear is not beneficial. This is because COVID-19 is a different type of risk to the risks you normally face in a workplace, and needs to be managed through social distancing, hygiene and fixed teams or partnering, not through the use of PPE. The exception is clinical settings, like a hospital, or a small handful of other roles for which Public Health England advises use of PPE.

Oakwood Solicitors does not encourage the precautionary use of extra PPE to protect against COVID-19 outside clinical settings or when responding to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. Additional PPE in our offices is not deemed to be necessary as per the guidance provided by the Government.

There is growing evidence that wearing a face covering in an enclosed space helps protect individuals and those around them from COVID-19.

A face covering can be very simple and may be worn in enclosed spaces where social distancing isn’t possible. It just needs to cover your mouth and nose. It is not the same as a face mask, such as the surgical masks or respirators used by health and care workers. Similarly, face coverings are not the same as the PPE used to manage risks like dust and spray in an industrial context. Supplies of PPE, including face masks, must continue to be reserved for those who need them to protect against risks in their workplace, such as health and care workers, and those in industrial settings like those exposed to dust hazards.

Face coverings are not a replacement for the other ways of managing risk, including minimising time spent in contact, using fixed teams and partnering for close-up work, and increasing hand and surface washing. These other measures remain the best ways of managing risk in the workplace and government would therefore not expect to see employers relying on face coverings as risk management for the purpose of their health and safety assessments.

Face coverings are mandatory on public transport and will be mandatory in a number of indoor premises from the 24th July 2020. People are also encouraged to wear face coverings in enclosed public spaces where there are people they do not normally meet. If you choose to wear one, it is important to use face coverings properly and wash your hands before putting them on and before and after taking them off. Some people don’t have to wear a face covering including for health, age or equality reasons


Employers should support their workers in using face coverings safely if they choose to wear one. This means telling workers:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on, and before and after removing it.
  • When wearing a face covering, avoid touching your face or face covering, as you could contaminate them with germs from your hands.
  • Change your face covering if it becomes damp or if you’ve touched it.
  • Continue to wash your hands regularly.
  • Change and wash your face covering daily.
  • If the material is washable, wash in line with manufacturer’s instructions. If it’s not washable, dispose of it carefully in your usual waste.
  • Practise social distancing wherever possible. Please be mindful that the wearing of a face covering may inhibit communication with people who rely on lip reading, facial expressions and clear sound.


Workforce Management


7.1 Shift Patterns and Teams

Objective: To change the way work is organised to create distinct groups and reduce the number of contacts each employee has.


  • Identifying areas where people directly pass things to each other, for example office supplies, and finding ways to remove direct contact, such as using drop-off points or transfer zones.
  • Oakwood Solicitor will be assisting Test and Trace by keeping records of all staff on site and help them if data is requested.
  • Abbie Keech has been allocated as the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) who will lead on contacting local Public Health teams. She will contact the local PHE health protection team if we suspect an outbreak within the office. If an outbreak is declared Abbie Keech will be asked to record details of all symptomatic staff and assist with identifying contacts.


7.2 Work Related Travel

Objective: To avoid unnecessary work travel and keep people safe when they do need to travel between locations.


  • Avoid using public transport and aiming to walk, cycle or drive instead. If using public transport is necessary, wearing a face covering is mandatory.
  • Minimising the number of people outside of your household or support bubble travelling together in any one vehicle using fixed travel partners, increasing ventilation when possible and avoiding sitting face to face.


7.3 Communications and Training

7.3.1. Returning to work

Objective: To make sure all workers understand COVID-19 related safety procedures.


  • Providing clear, consistent and regular communication to improve understanding and consistency of ways of working.
  • Engaging with workers and worker representatives through existing communication routes to explain and agree any changes in working arrangements.
  • Developing communication and training materials for workers prior to returning to site, especially around new procedures for arrival at work. Posters will be located in prominent positions around all floors, toilet areas, kitchen areas advising staff on procedures. Emails will be sent. Details of the risk assessment will be provided to the teams individually.


7.3.2. Ongoing communication and training

Objective: To make sure all workers are kept up to date with how safety measures are being implemented or updated.


  • Ongoing engagement with workers to monitor and understand any unforeseen impacts of changes to working environments.
  • Awareness and focus on the importance of mental health at times of uncertainty. The government has published guidance on the mental health and wellbeing aspects of coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • Using simple, clear messaging to explain guidelines using images and clear language, with consideration of groups for which English may not be their first language.
  • Using visual communications, for example, whiteboards or signage, to explain changes to schedules, breakdowns or materials shortages to reduce the need for face-to-face communications.
  • Communicating approaches and operational procedures to suppliers, customers or trade bodies to help their adoption and to share experience.


Inbound and Outbound Goods


Objective: To maintain social distancing and avoid surface transmission when goods enter and leave the site.


  • Revising pick-up and drop-off collection points, procedures, signage and markings. A doorbell has been added to the reception door and all inbound goods will be asked to be dropped off at a tray near to the door. This will be the same with outbound goods.
  • Considering methods to reduce frequency of deliveries, for example by ordering larger quantities less often. All packages and deliveries will be stopped for personal use of staff.

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