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Oakwood Solicitors


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    Small Claims Court

    Do you have a Small Claims
    matter to escalate?


    • Leading experts in Litigation and Dispute Resolution claims.
    • Excellent track record of recovering compensation
      for our clients.
    • Free initial consultation.


    The team at Oakwood were professional, pragmatic and efficient throughout the process. I was kept informed of progress, next steps, and achieved the outcome that I wanted.

    Chris Needham

    Thank you! For your fast, friendly, and professional service.


    Handshake Image

    No-Win, No-Fee

    legal service and a free initial consultation.

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    Fighting for compensation

    that you are rightly entitled to receive.

    Client Care

    Taking care of your matter

    from enquiry through to completion.

    The experts in Litigation and Dispute Resolution claims

    Oakwood Solicitors Ltd is able to assist in resolving a wide variety of Litigation and Dispute Resolution matters requiring legal assistance.

    Whether it be simply pointing you in the right direction, or assisting you from start to finish – we are on hand to help.

    Different 'Claims Tracks' in the County Court

    In the County Court, there are three ‘tracks’ for civil claims: the Small Claims Track, the Fast Track and the Multi Track. Once proceedings have been commenced, the court will allocate the matter to the most appropriate track.

    Small claims track

    Generally speaking, money claims for an amount under £10,000 (which do not relate to Personal Injury) are likely to be allocated to the Small Claims Track.

    Although this track is designed for lower value and less complex cases, parties are still expected to comply with the correct civil procedure in bringing a claim and expect the respective claim and defence to have a correct legal basis.

    How does small claims differ from the other tracks?

    Unlike with Fast Track and Multi Track, there is no presumption that the losing party will be responsible for paying the winning party’s legal costs. If you instruct a solicitor to represent you in the small claims track, you could therefore end up having paid more in legal costs than you are actually recovering in damages.

    Oakwood Solicitors Ltd appreciates this, which is why we offer a range of funding options that are suitable for assistance with small claims matters. These include:

    • Fixed fee arrangements, and
    • Contingency Fee Agreements
    • Private fee-paying agreements at a competitive hourly rate
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why should I choose Oakwood Solicitors Ltd?

    From the start of your claim until the conclusion you will have a dedicated advisor who will run your claim, assisting you in the event of any queries or issues you may have.

    Regular updates will be provided by your case handler up until your claim has ended. This is to ensure the process is as stress-free and effortless as possible.

    What do I do now?

    If you believe or feel you have a claim, contact us for a free initial consultation regarding your options:

    danielle staff block silhouette
    Danielle Lightfoot — Solicitor and Head of Department

    Danielle Lightfoot is a Director and our Head of the Financial Litigation Department. Danielle joined the firm as a Paralegal in 2011 and qualified as a solicitor in October 2014. She has acquired extensive experience in high value, complex litigation traversing numerous practice areas. Danielle is a specialist in financial miss-selling matters, with a particular interest in Pensions and Investments.

    Danielle assisted in setting up the Finance Litigation Department. She took over as Head of the Department in 2017 and since then the firm has established a reputation as one of the leading law firms specialising in financial mis-selling claims.

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