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    Trigger Finger

    Has your health suffered due to your job?

    Our specialist Industrial Disease department consists of an in-house team of Solicitors

    and legal professionals dedicated solely to this area of law.

    The experts in trigger finger claims

    Oakwood Solicitors has a dedicated team of Solicitors and legal professionals, specialising in Trigger Finger claims. With a strong reputation for being tough on defendants, we’re sure to recover the compensation you deserve.

    What is trigger finger?

    Trigger finger, or stenosing tenosynovitis, is a condition that causes your fingers or thumbs to become ‘stuck’ or cause a ‘popping’ sensation when you attempt to fully straighten it.

    This potentially painful condition makes it difficult to bend your fingers or thumb as the tendon in the hand is inflamed or damaged.

    Trigger finger is often caused by repetitive and forceful hand movement and vibration. It can be also be caused it you use the palm of your hand a lot, for example using a screwdriver or hand tools.

    Trigger finger is more commonly seen in women than men, and adults between the age of 52 to 62 suffer the most.

    Any fingers or thumb can be affected by trigger finger, and it can also develop in both hands.

    If you have suffered from trigger finger and you believe it has been caused due to your work or working environment, you may be entitled to make a claim against your employer.

    What causes trigger finger?

    Trigger finger is caused by irritation and inflammation of the tendon sheath in the fingers, which leads to narrowing of the space within the sheath.

    This can often be caused by:

    • Repetitive gripping or grasping action
    • Certain medical conditions: e.g. medication for diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis
    • Keeping the fingers bent for a long duration
    • Repeated gripping
    • Medical conditions such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis are more prone to have trigger finger.
    Trigger Finger

    Jobs at risk of causing trigger finger

    • Construction and manual labour occupations, which often involve repetitive lifting, use of a jackhammer, and pushing or pulling heavy objects with great force.
    • Assembly line occupations and other manufacturing or factory jobs, which require standing in a certain posture while making repetitive movements for extended periods of time.
    • Administrative and other office positions that include repetitive typing and mouse clicking duties.

    Trigger finger symptoms

    Symptoms of trigger finger are mild in the beginning and gradually progress to severe form. Commonly affected areas include thumb, middle finger and ring finger.


    Symptoms include:

    • Finger stiffness, especially in the morning
    • A popping or clicking sensation when moving the fingers
    • Tenderness or bump in the palm, at the base of the affected finger
    • Locking of the finger in a bent position and straightening suddenly

    How trigger finger is treated

    The treatment or trigger finger depends on the severity of the symptoms and how long you have had them.

    In mild cases, trigger finger may get better without treatment but your GP may suggest avoiding activities which case the pain.



    Strapping your affected finger or thumb to a splint may help to easy symptoms in mind cases. This is because you affected finger will not be able so move. If you experience pain in the morning, wearing a splint overnight may help to ease the pain.


    Steroid Injections

    Steroid injections which have been prescribed by your doctor can be used to reduce swelling. In cases of trigger finger, liquid corticosteroids are injected into the base of the affected finger or thumb to help the tendon move freely again.

    It’s estimated that corticosteroid injections are an effective treatment for 50 to 70% of people with trigger finger. However, they’re generally less effective in people with certain underlying health conditions, such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.

    It is also reported that although the injections can be effective, the issue can return when it wears off.



    Surgery is usually only used when other treatments have failed. It can be up to 100% effective, although if you do a manual job you may need to take 2 to 4 weeks off work to fully recover.

    Trigger Finger

    Employer Liability at work

    If you are suffering from trigger finger and you believe you have obtained your injury due to your job or working environment you may be entitled to make a claim against your employer.

    Your employer has a duty to protect workers and ensure you have a safe place of work, with safe machinery and a safe system of work.

    If this is not the case, your employer could be found to be negligent and a claim could be made against them. Employers must adhere to the following laws and regulations:


    Health and Safety Act 1974

    • Every employer has a duty so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the safety and welfare of employees.
    • Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005


    Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

    • Duty to undertake adequate risk assessment (Reg. 3)
    • The requirement to undertake health surveillance (Reg. 6)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How to make a claim

    To make a claim, contact Oakwood Solicitors today to get in touch with our experienced team of solicitors. We will assess your claim and give advice on how to proceed.

    The team works with an extensive network of orthopaedic surgeons and hand surgeons.

    They have dealt with a number of claims in all areas of Industrial Disease and have achieved some excellent results.

    Why should I choose Oakwood Solicitors Ltd?

    Oakwood Solicitors Ltd agrees to work on your Industrial Disease claim on a ‘no-win, no-fee’ basis. If your claim is unsuccessful, you will not be expected to pay us a penny.

    If you are successful in your claim, we take a percentage of the compensation meaning that the only time we will receive money is if we have brought your claim to a fruitful conclusion.

    You will have a dedicated advisor who will see your claim through from start to finish, assisting you in the event of any queries or issues you may have.

    If it is preferable to you, we are able to assign a female advisor to carry out your claim. Your case handler will also continue to provide regular updates until the conclusion of your claim, ensuring the process is as stress-free and effortless as possible.

    Very happy

    Very happy with the treatment we received from Oakwood Solicitors. We were kept informed on a regular basis. Very friendly and informative.

    - Anthony Haydon

    Brilliant service

    Brilliant service from start to finish. Can’t speak more highly of Natasha Hardy who handled my case. Would recommend without a second thought

    - Satisfied client

    Natasha Hardy
    Natasha Hardy - Solicitor and Head of Department
    Natasha Hardy is a Solicitor specialising in Industrial Disease matters and has experience in handling a wide range of cases including claims for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss & Tinnitus, Hand/Arm Vibration Syndrome & Vibration White Finger, Work Related Upper Limb Disorders, Occupational Dermatitis, Asbestosis, Respiratory & Chest Conditions and Lung Disease.

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